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Standard Rules

Common rules for building Basketry pipelines. These rules may be used with any Basketry parser and may be combined with any other Basketry rules.


npm install @basketry/rules

Basic Usageโ€‹

"source": "petstore.json",
"parser": "@basketry/openapi-3",
"rules": [

Included Rulesโ€‹


@basketry/rules/lib/method-descriptionRequires all methods to have a description
@basketry/rules/lib/parameter-descriptionRequires all method parameters to have a description
@basketry/rules/lib/property-descriptionRequires all type properties to have a description
@basketry/rules/lib/type-descriptionRequires all types to have a description
@basketry/rules/lib/descriptionCombines all of the other description rules


By default, violations of these rules will be displayed as errors. This may be overridden with the severity option:

"rules": [
"rule": "@basketry/rules/lib/description",
"options": { "severity": "warning" }

Array parameter lengthโ€‹

@basketry/rules/lib/array-parameter-lengthRequires method array-typed parameters to specify max item lengths.


By default, violations of this rule will be displayed as errors. This may be overridden with the severity option:

"rules": [
"rule": "@basketry/rules/lib/array-parameter-length",
"options": { "severity": "warning" }

HTTP status codesโ€‹

@basketry/rules/lib/http-delete-statusRequires that HTTP DELETE status codes must be 200, 202, or 204
@basketry/rules/lib/http-get-statusRequires that HTTP GET status codes must be 200, 204, or 206
@basketry/rules/lib/http-patch-statusRequires that HTTP PATCH status codes must be 200, 202, or 204
@basketry/rules/lib/http-post-statusRequires that HTTP POST status codes must be 200, 201, 202, or 204
@basketry/rules/lib/http-put-statusRequires that HTTP PUT status codes must be 200, 201, 202, or 204
@basketry/rules/lib/http-no-content-statusRequires methods with no return type return status code of 204 AND that methods that do return data do not return 204
@basketry/rules/lib/http-statusCombines all of the other HTTP status code rules


By default, violations of these rules will be displayed as errors. This may be overridden with the severity option:

"rules": [
"rule": "@basketry/rules/lib/http-status",
"options": { "severity": "warning" }


@basketry/rules/lib/offset-paginationRequires methods that return arrays define offest and limit paremters
@basketry/rules/lib/relay-paginationRequires methods that return arrays define Relay-style pagination paremters and also return a "page info" object


By default, violations of these rules will be displayed as errors. This may be overridden with the severity option. This rule allows for both bare array and envelope object return types. By default, the payload is expected to be in a property called value, values, or data. These expectations may be overridden with the payload option.

If there is HTTP protocol information defined for this method, then the rules are only applied to HTTP GET methods. This may be overridden with the verb or verbs option.

"rules": [
"rule": "@basketry/rules/lib/offset-pagination",
"options": {
"severity": "warning",
"payload": ["result", "results"],
"verbs": ["GET", "POST"]

To apply the rule selectively, use an allow/deny list with method names.

In the following example, the rule will only be enforced on myPaginatedMethod. The pagination rule will not be enforced on any method not in the allow list.

"rules": [
"rule": "@basketry/rules/lib/offset-pagination",
"options": { "allow": ["myPaginatedMethod"] }

In the following example, the rule will not be enforced on myUnpaginatedMethod. The pagination rule will be enforced on all methods not in the deny list.

"rules": [
"rule": "@basketry/rules/lib/offset-pagination",
"options": { "deny": ["myUnpaginatedMethod"] }

Simultaneous usage of both allow and deny lists may lead to unpredictable results.

String IDsโ€‹

@basketry/rules/lib/string-idRequires that type properties named id must be of type string


By default, violations of this rule will be displayed as errors. This may be overridden with the severity option:

"rules": [
"rule": "@basketry/rules/lib/string-id",
"options": { "severity": "warning" }

Response envelopesโ€‹

@basketry/rules/lib/response-envelopeRequires that all methods return envelope objects that contain both an errors array and a payload property.


By default, violations of these rules will be displayed as errors. This may be overridden with the severity option. This rule allows for both bare array and evelope object return types. By default, the payload is expected to be in a property called value, values, or data. These expectations may be overridded with the payload option. Note that other rules may enforce various pluralization requirements, so be sure to include both the plural and singular form of your payload name.

"rules": [
"rule": "@basketry/rules/lib/response-envelope",
"options": {
"severity": "warning",
"payload": ["result", "results"]


@basketry/rules/lib/enum-pluralizationRequires that enums have singular names.
@basketry/rules/lib/parameter-pluralizationRequires that array parameters have pluralized names and non-array parameters have singular names.
@basketry/rules/lib/property-pluralizationRequires that array properties have pluralized names and non-array properties have singular names.
@basketry/rules/lib/pluralizationCombines all of the other pluralization rules


By default, violations of this rule will be displayed as errors. This may be overridden with the severity option:

"rules": [
"rule": "@basketry/rules/lib/string-id",
"options": { "severity": "warning" }


@basketry/rules/lib/casingDefines casing requirements for the various parts of a service


Casing values must be one of the following:

  • snake - eg. some_item_name
  • pascal - eg. SomeItemName
  • camel - eg. someItemName
  • kebab - eg. some-item-name
  • header - eg. Some-Item-Name
  • constant - eg. SOME_ITEM_NAME

Any other casing value will be silently ignored.

The following opitons may be used to enforcing casing rules within the service:

  • enum
  • enumValue
  • path
  • method
  • parameter
  • query
  • header
  • property
  • type

Note that if query or header are supplied when parameter is also supplied, then the more specific rules for headers and query parameters will override the setting for all other parameters. If query or header are not supplied, the the value for parameter will also be used for headers and query parameters.

By default, violations of this rule will be displayed as errors. This may be overridden with the severity option.

"rules": [
"rule": "@basketry/rules/lib/casing",
"options": {
"severity": "warning",
"enum": "camel",
"enumValue": "constant",
"path": "kabab",
"method": "camel",
"parameter": "camel",
"query": "kabab",
"header": "header",
"property": "camel",
"type": "camel"

If a casing rule is not specified for a particular element, then any casing will be allowed. There are no default values.


Changing the casing for enum values, paths, query parameters, and properties is a breaking change for HTTP (aka RESTful) services because those values are passed directly in the HTTP request or response. Enum, method, and type names are never included in HTTP traffic.


Various Generators may emit code that is idiomatic to a particular language regardless of these casing rules; however, all generated code MUST send and receive values in the specified casing when communicating over service boundaries and/or respect the casing requirements of the protocol with which they do so.